Booking Customer Reviews in United States
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Total rating Total ratings: 49
Leave a reviewDisadvantages:do check on the website of the hotel too. rarely a few dollars cheaper...
Comment:go for it
Advantages:always good amount of hotels to choose prices.

Advantages:Very good
Disadvantages:Very good
Comment:Very good

Comment:veru good

Advantages:I love booking at with Genius membership for the hidden deals at 4-5 stars hotel all over the world even my friends dropped their jaw
Disadvantages:Sometimes they provide the Genius the room that looked... ungenius
Comment:Improving on your customers' retention program, you have such an awesome loyalty program here. Hope you will work closer with the hotels to make it worth each dimes they supported
Advantages:great deals on reservations lower price best stays
Disadvantages:it takes long to have them call for help
Comment:i definitely use the app again

Advantages:Thnx MB
Disadvantages:It’s late but OK
Comment:It’s late but work
Advantages:Hotel's actual availability
Disadvantages:Sometimes complicated and cumbersome customer support, issues may not been resolved (e.g., price difference, lack of availability, overbooking)
Advantages:i love this app
Advantages:booking made super easy. the app provides clear information! no hidden fees