G2A.com Customer Reviews in United States

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Total rating Total ratings: 23
Leave a reviewDisadvantages:Didn't find any yet.
Comment:Insta Steam code delivery upon payment. Didn't need the support yet so don't know if it's good.
Advantages:Fast shopping, you get the product immediately. You can find cheap games and software
Disadvantages:They're always trying to sell you their G2A Plus service, so you must be careful to opt out of paying it if you don't need it. And if you're not buying more than 1 game monthly, you don't need it. Now you have to be a legal entity to sell the game keys, you can't do it if you don't have a company... Not that user-friendly UI/UX. Better than before, but still bad
Advantages:1 ..ضاع حذاء طفل في البحر فكتب الطفل على الشاطئ هذا البحر لص
Advantages:livraison rapide
Comment:merci infiniment
Advantages: روع
Advantages:Great place to buy games at good prices.